For those who want to buy Cuban Cigars for Christmas Gifts online thru a Canadian or Mexican source, you might wish to do it early, as Cuba's tobacco crop is in crisis. Can you actually get Cuban Cigars this year and can other cigars compete for taste? Each year many Americans smoke Cuban Cigars as part of a tradition. This year the Cuban Cigars will be significantly higher priced due to reduced supply. record breaking 2005 Tropical Hurricane Season has taken its toll on Cuba's main exporting cash crop and it is now in critical crisis from catastrophic calamity. Many specialists in the Cigar Trade say it is crucial that Cuba fix the problem.
Hurricane Wilma caused the evacuation of 367,000 Western Cubans and caused crops to flood. There were mudslides and deaths. Now Cuba is once again faced with similar torrential rain and flooding causing things to worsen. Economic crisis is a series issue as well as Cuban currency, as agricultural exports are of concern.
Can Castro's Cuba recover and what about your Cuban Cigars online in time for Christmas, as they could also be curtailed due to the critical calamity causing catastrophic crop concerns. Think on this.
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By: Lance Winslow